Amy Reed-Ferguson is a home education consultant, correspondent, and early childhood educator based in the PNW. Nationally recognized as a pervasive addition to the schooling discourse, she is a contracted consultant & advice columnist for the PBS member station KBTC, as well as a mother of two college-educated unschoolers.As a life-long learner and educator, Amy has many interests-- from sewing and permaculture to activism and sustainability. Lead by life experiences, passions, and degrees in subjects that range from teaching to becoming a Washington State University Master Gardener, Amy has a strong desire to facilitate exploration and foster, or else assist, in rediscovering the innate love of learning. She has a deeply held belief that people learn when they can be part of a community that is passionate, enfranchised, and has access to both the freedom and time to “peel” through the layers of a subject-- resulting in a career defined by visionary advocacy on behalf of education reform and justice, youth empowerment, and accessibility.

As a PBS KIDS Early Learning Champion, Amy additionally partners with PBS KIDS and KBTC Public Television to help support families in their educational journeys with the understanding that parents are ultimately a child's first and most integral teacher-- where both guardians, and students alike, should feel empowered to engage in their lifelong learning.This website serves as a landing page for those interested in contacting Amy for her services, or else in pursuit of collaboration-- as well as a hub of resources for those starting, or continuing, their journey outside of institutionalized education.

You are invited to reach out with any questions, concerns, or insights via the form below.If you are looking for consulting, tutoring, or other paid work, please see the Consulting page to make a (free) initial appointment.

Ask Amy is a KBTC Public Television-sponsored & hosted project aimed at addressing all things concerning parenting and academics. Providing insights informed by an individual with both an academic and life-informed background, Ask Amy exists to serve the curious and concerned public alike with a trusted, sagacious approach.KBTC, on behalf of Amy, encourages you to submit your silliest, weirdest, and most earnest questions or comments below-- with expectations for an empathetic, informed response.
the cv page

Are you curious about the next step in your child's educational journey? Unsure of the first move, who to notify, or where to even start? Need someone to assist you in developing academic experiences or tutoring? Still trying to figure out what's best for your family, budget, and child: private, public, home education, umbrella, hybrid, Waldorf...Amy would love to meet with you for a free half-hour to address these concerns and more. Please use the appointment booker below to arrange a time to meet virtually.In our time together, we'll go over things such as goals, previous experience, and family & student needs alike, as well as provide a safe space for any and all questions. Curious and adventurous inquiries are encouraged!Unless otherwise specified or requested, all initial meetings take place on Zoom. Please bring note-taking equipment.If there are any issues with the booker below or you have additional accessibility concerns, please try another date or reach out via the Contact form.

Amy is an advice columnist at PBS & PBS Kids, as well as an occasional
op-in contributor elsewhere on the web.You can see her most recent posts and features collected here, or stay more current by following her Twitter.
PBS Early Learning Champion 2021 Feature
Monthly PBS Kids Opinion Column & Blog
Showcase Magazine Feature

"I highly recommend Amy [.] Amy is an expert and natural
at building student capacity, creating a welcoming environment
where every student feels valued and contributes to the
classroom community, and facilitating student-driven
learning/lessons/project-based assessments.
Amy loves learning and it shows with her enthusiasm in
her lessons. She uses academic language to
increase student language acquisition and encourages
student participation and voice by engaging
high leverage practices.
She has a very positive mindset and encourages her students
to have a positive growth mindset. She models for her students
how to problem solve and how to adjust to challenges.
Amy gives students leadership opportunities and
creates an environment of respect and rapport.
She is very respectful and sensitive to her diverse
learners and makes sure every student feels
valued and heard. She also provides a variety
of accommodations to meet students’ needs.
Amy would be a wonderful asset to your educational experience."

Teacher Mentor, Puyallup School District

Thank you for ALL you do to support students and families! I love your enthusiasm and passion for teaching and how you create meaningful lessons students can relate to and apply to their own lives [...] you have a special gift for empowering young students to be thinkers and self-sufficient. Your students are so lucky to have you! I’m really proud of you and ALL you have accomplished.You are inspirational and valued, you are making a difference, and you definitely deserve ALL the love and appreciation! I feel so blessed to work with such an AMAZING teacher! Thank you!"

** **
"Hi Amy,I just wanted to take the time and thank you for making [my daughter]'s first year in school memorable. Thank you for the love, support and dedication that you brought every day to your class. I really wish she could have you again for the next school year! [My daughter] even made you a picture of you two[...]
Thank you for being the teacher that you are!"

"Amy is passionate about supporting young learners and
truly believes that KBTC and its PBS KIDS resources are a partner in her teaching journey, as well as her own lifelong learning.
KBTC is excited to spotlight the importance of early education and professionals in the field like Amy. She is making a difference for our
youngest learners. We are** honored** to partner with
and celebrate her as someone who is passionate about teaching
and is using media to help students understand and relate.”